
  • 网络meet me halfway; Making Concessions; make a concession



meet me halfway

看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第七集一个洋葱圈引... ... 4. get out of hand 失控,无法控制 5. meet me halfway 做出让步 ...

Making Concessions

《商务... ... 25 Clarifying the Stakes 说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions 做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line 讨论底线 ...

make a concession

Smart negotiating... ... 8、go in circles 兜圈子 9、make a concession 做出让步 10、meet each other half way 双方都做点让步 ...

make compromise

6 口译教程 ... transcend 超过;超越 make compromise 妥协;做出让步 in lockstep 紧密步伐;步伐完全一致 ...

stretch a point

高二... ... 33. 去散步 stretch one’s legs 34. 做出让步 stretch a point 35. 无论怎样想象 by no stretch of the imagination ...

make a compromise

专四词汇大突破 ... ... reach a compromise 达成妥协 make a compromise 妥协;折衷;做出让步 compulsory education 义务教 …

Unit Making a Concession

上班族的英文会话全餐/沈宁... ... Unit Asking for Extras 提出其他条件 Unit Making a Concession 做出让步 Marketing 市场营销 ...

make some concessions

商务英语 _小喵... ... make sb. a firm offer 给某人报成本价 make some concessions 做出让步 margin of profit 利润 ...
