
  • na.strive to keep body and soul together
  • 网络live from hand to mouth; keep the wolf from the door; Make Ends Meet



live from hand to mouth

wm2__英语高频短语精选 - 豆丁网 ... in haste 急忙\草率的 live from hand to mouth 勉强度日 lose heart 失去信心 ...

keep the wolf from the door

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(K) ... keep the weather 占上风 keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日 keep to oneself 保守秘密 ...

Make Ends Meet

《英美人天天都... ... Like a Duck to Water 如鱼得水 Make Ends Meet 勉强度日,勉强糊口 Make Waves 有所作为,出人头地…

get by

解密高考英... ... get around to (终于)有机会能做某事,找到时间去做某事 get by 设法生活,勉强度日 get through 穿越,通 …

scramble for a living

特色课堂... ... scramble for 趋之若鹜、争夺 scramble for a living 勉强度日 scramble the pages of a manuscript 打乱了原稿 ...

scrape by

词组 ... bump into 碰 撞 颠簸着前进 scrape by 勉强度日 be capable of 做得出的 有能力的 有本领的 ...

keep body and soul together

魔鬼口... ... ►keep body and soul together 仅能维持生活,勉强度日,勉强地生活下去,糊口 ►steer clear of 躲避,避开,绕 …
