
  • 网络lip service; pay lip service; leaves without figs



lip service

3.使用者抗拒的系统 4.高阶主管不了解,没支持,口惠而实不至Lip service) 5.基本资料不正确 6.公司政策和流程不变— …

pay lip service

英语成语30句 ... 25.pay lip service口惠而实不至) 26.white elephant( 难伺候或累赘无用的东西) ...

leaves without figs

leaf有工厂的意思吗_百度知道 ... 2.in leaf 有叶子的;叶茂的;长满叶子的 3.leaves without figs 空谈;口惠而实不至 ...

Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds

English Proverbs ... ... Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds. 口惠而实不至。 Grasp all,lose all. 贪者必失。 ...

pay lip service to

百度词典搜索_lip ... pass one's lips1. 吃进去;喝下去;说出口 pay lip service to1. 口惠而实不至 ...

pay lip service only

翻译词典... ... Empty promise 空头支票 Make a promise and not keep it;pay lip service only 口惠而实不至 ...

Parsnips unbuttered

Great... ... British political history:What a Burke 好一个伯克 India and China:Parsnips unbuttered 口惠而实不至 ...
