
  • na.take sole responsibility for one's deeds
  • 网络At Your Own Risk; enter at your own risk; suffer the consequences



At Your Own Risk

——在生前的最后一本书《后果自负》(《at your own risk》)中,加曼向所有的“同志”们告别:我就要走了,但我会唱着歌离 …

enter at your own risk

...6日在沼泽地发现一只山狮的踪迹…”看来欢迎牌上的“后果自负enter at your own risk)”字样并不是胡说八道。

suffer the consequences

沪江博客 - Teana ... 2. with all due respect 恕我冒昧 3. suffer the consequences 后果自负 『American Slang』 美国俚语 ...


如果触犯五项原则,学生要后果自负(Consequences):第一点,课桌警告(Post-It note on desk);第二点,哎哟警告(Oops Note…

handle at your own risk

公共揭示语_飞天猪小姐_新浪博客 ... 严禁触摸,后果自负 handle at your own risk 严禁拍照 cameras forbidden ...

Suffer the consequence

Classic film... ... Lay with on the line 拿….开玩笑 / 冒险 Suffer the consequence 后果自负 Take one’s chance 碰运气 ...

Throw To Lose the result compacent

... 第3页:弄花= Mishandle Flowers 第4页:后果自负= Throw To Lose the result compacent 第6页:办公室= The thing tube of…


自负in... ... 文责自负 to bear the responsibility 后果自负 overconfident 太自负 too ...
