
  • 网络Employee Involvement; employee participation; employee engagement



Employee Involvement

人力资源英语 - 豆丁网 ... Employee Leasing 员工租借 Employee Involvement 员工参与 Employee Manual 员工手册 ...

employee participation

心理学专业英语词汇(E1) ... employee orientation 员工导向 employee participation 员工参与 employee selection 员工选拔 ...

employee engagement

3. 员工参与(Employee engagement) 近年来,提高员工参与的议题越来越多,包含招募、员工适应和留任有组织 承诺的员工。 …

Employees participation

...法;通过 帮助员工培训理解和执行相关的作业标准。 员工参与Employees participation) 22. 员工参与(Employees partici…

Employee Involvement EI

ERP常用术语中... ... Employee Empowerment 员工授权 Employee Involvement EI 员工参与 End User Computing EUC 使用者 …

People Involvement

跨国公司企业文化与经营理念内训课程... ... 缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time 员工参与 People Involvement 7.行动计划 Action P…

Involvement of people

关于ISO9001:2008标准常见问题的回答 -... ... Leadership, 领导 Involvement of people, 员工参与 Process approach, 过程模式 ...

Employee Empowerment

员工参与(Employee Empowerment)高林慧珍 博士 中国科技大学讲师。
