
  • 网络safekeeping; under lock and key; keeping properly




新概念英语单词表 第三册 - 新月空中英语 ... oven 烤炉,烤箱 safekeeping 妥善保管 Newcastle 纽卡斯尔(英国港市) ...

under lock and key

短语内涵与... ... ??cannot see the wood for the trees? 见树不见林 ??under lock and key? 妥善保管 ??up the pole? 进退两难 ...

keeping properly

急求专业词组... ... 保修范围 Guarantee scope 妥善保管 Keeping properly 日常检查与维护 Routine inspection and maintenance ...


Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组... ... ovenn. 炉灶 safekeepingn. 妥善保管 Newcastlen. 纽卡斯尔(英国港市) ...

for safe keeping

看图学英语:跟你... ... 1. as safe as houses 非常安全 2. for safe keeping 妥善保管 3. on the safe side 为慎重起见,以防万一 ...

Safekeeping or Take good care of

急求专... ... 规格尺寸 standard dimension 妥善保管 Safekeeping or Take good care of 客户服务中心 Customer service center ...

safekeeping  n

新概念3第七课笔记_新概念... ... ◆oven  n. 炉灶 ◆safekeeping  n. 妥善保管 ◆Newcastle  n. 纽卡斯尔(英国 …

safe custody

S | 证监会 ... safe custody 两- 妥善保管 safe custody business 内- 安全保管业务 ...
