
  • na.expulsion from school
  • 网络be dismissed from school; be expelled from school; to expel from school




大一“三生教育”论文_百度知道 ... Teaching assistant 助教 Expulsion 开除学籍 University lecturer 讲师 ...

be dismissed from school

... retain one's status as a student 保留学籍 be dismissed from school 开除学籍 be struck off the school roll 取消学籍 ...

be expelled from school

日常口语词汇 - 分类词汇 —... ... corporal punishment 体罚 be expelled from school 开除学籍 quit school 退学 ...

to expel from school

School | Chinese Dictionary ... 复学 to return to school 开除学籍 to expel from school 肄业 to attend ...

school expulsion

心理学... ... school environment 学校环境 school expulsion 开除学籍 school factors in crime 犯罪的学校因素 犯罪的学校因素 ...

nto expel from school

什么意思_英语expel... ... Expel From the Country 驱逐出境 nto expel from school 开除学籍 expel from within 内托 ...
