
  • adv.normally
  • 网络by rights; It stands to reason; ought to



by rights

六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... by no means* 决不 by rights* 按理说,正当地 by virtue of * 通过 ...

It stands to reason

...,这件事并不是件小事,佳耦俩的耗损也并不是分外大,按理说(It stands to reason)不用弄到那个田地,也许曾经爱过,只是 …


论理的意思... ... 3.(讲道理) reason things out;have it out 1.(按理说normally;as things should be 2.(逻辑) logic ...

ought to

情态动词_赵珂_新浪博客 ... should/ought to 按理说;理应,(说话人倾向) should have done 理应已经… ...

as things should be

论理的意思... ... 3.(讲道理) reason things out;have it out 1.(按理说) normally;as things should be 2.(逻辑) logic ...

arguably the best

足球翻译殿堂... ... 111. turn/sprain one’s ankle 脚踝扭伤 106. arguably the best/ 按理说 112. fracture of his ankle/ 骨折 ...

That is the reasoning

'å&p... ... That is the reasoning. 按理说。 baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime. 棒球按理说应该是民族的娱乐。 ...
