
  • na.overindulge oneself in wine and women
  • 网络Wallow In Voluptuousness; to over-indulge oneself in wine and women; to wallow in alcohol and sex



Wallow In Voluptuousness

什么意思_英语wallow... ... wallow in money 腰缠万贯 Wallow In Voluptuousness 沉湎酒色 wallow in backwardness 自甘落后 ...

to over-indulge oneself in wine and women

中国成语--绿风... ... ·汗如雨下 to sweat profusely. ·沉湎酒色 to over-indulge oneself in wine and women. ...

to wallow in alcohol and sex

jiu |... ... 中美文化研究中心 Hopkins-Nanjing Center 沉湎酒色 to wallow in alcohol and sex 酒帘 wine shop sign ...

devoted to wine and women

读英文红楼梦,学经典表达法_英语吧_百度贴吧 ... 27. 胞兄: uterine brothers 28. 沉湎酒色devoted to wine and women ...
