
  • na.on leave without pay
  • 网络retain the job but suspend the salary; unpaid leave; On Leave without pay



leave without pay

航海及海运专业英语词汇(L2) ... leave with pay 工资照付的假期 leave without pay 留职停薪 leave 离开 ...

retain the job but suspend the salary

中国特色词汇汉译英... ... 领头羊 bellwether 留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary 流动人口 transient population ...

unpaid leave

留职停薪 (unpaid leave)Concatenate gpx files 髂胫束摩擦症候群 Iliotibial Band Syndrome(ITBS) Arduino, again vim command/…

On Leave without pay

http://www.ptsgi.com/c... ... "珠击法,锤尖击打法"," Shot peening" "留职停薪"," On leave without pay" "病假"," Sick leave" ...

temporary leave without salary

教育英语词汇(1)_石头_新浪博客 ... 留职停薪 temporary leave without salary 训辅工作 school discipline and guidance ...

Retain the Position without Pay

2 - 台湾法律资讯中心 ... 留置 confinement 留职停薪 Retain the Position without Pay 病假 Sick Leave ...

retain job and forfeit salary

人事专业英语 - HR英语学习论坛... ... 留待复核;容再考虑 ad referendum 留职停薪 retain job and forfeit salary 能力 ability ...

gardening leave

Watan's... ... 4.paternity leave 产假(父亲) 5.gardening leave 留职停薪 I have time off this weekend.( 我这礼拜放假) ...
