
  • na.climb high and gaze far
  • 网络take the high ground; Standing on a Giant Tree; The Vantage Point



take the high ground

一些使用过的策略已经呈现出了格言的特点,比如:登高望远take the high ground); “破釜沉舟(get there fustest with the …

climb high and gaze far

百度词典搜索_望 ... wait and see; 观望 climb high and gaze far; 登高望远 call to pay one's respects;call on; 拜望 ...

Standing on a Giant Tree

282. [搞笑] 登高望远(Standing on a Giant Tree)283. [居家] ¤.软软糯糯的樱桃肉__图片全程指导284. [非主流美女] 欧美搞怪达 …

The Vantage Point

约翰逊退休后出版的回忆录叫《登高望远》(The Vantage Point),似乎在夸耀自己够聪明。一般情况下,聪明人选择道德, …

Sky view

Picasa Web Albums - 林瑞宙 ... Safranbolu 番红花城 Sky view 登高望远 Marina Bay Sands 金沙渡假酒店 ...

acute foresight

巴高望上 English, 翻译, 发音, 字典... ... 得陇望蜀 ;insatiable desire 登高望远 acute foresight 对声望 repute ...

Bird's-eyed View

东方新象---李忆含-当代水墨艺术观 -... ... 直观视野 Broad View 登高望远 Bird's-eyed View 古城迷思 Myth of An Ancient City ...

Ascending a height can cultivate your sentiment.
