
  • 网络in the heat of the moment; in a blaze of passion; in hot blood



in the heat of the moment

英语短语 - 英语短语468 ... ❖ fan the flame 煽动火焰,煽动情绪 ❖ in the heat of the moment 盛怒之下,一时激动之下 ...

in a blaze of passion

blaze的解释... ... the blaze of noon 正午的光辉 in a blaze of passion 盛怒之下 in a blaze 四面着火,在火焰中 ...

in hot blood

blood的用法 ... in blood [废语](动物)充满活力的,生气勃勃的 in hot blood 发怒地,一时愤激,盛怒之下 ...

heat of the moment decisions

昂立口译教师T... ... hammer v. 重创 heat of the moment decisions 气头上,盛怒之下,一急之下作出的决定 disgrace 耻辱,丢 …

With Great Anger

... With crippled anger 带着极大的悲痛 ; 带着极大的悲哀 With Great Anger 盛怒之下 to go with violent anger 气呼呼地疾走 ...

the man tore up everything within reach

Part 6 中译英_文雨... ... (设下圈套) to catch the thieves. (盛怒之下) the man tore up everything within reach. ...

