
  • n.ship management
  • 网络Ship Management; Shipping Management; Maintenance



Ship Management

management ... separate management 分散经营 ship management 船舶管理 shop management 【管理】工厂车间管理 ...

Shipping Management

MLM-Binary-Software-and-Website ... Report System 报表系统 Shipping Management 船舶管理 Communication Tools 通信工 …


... 1, Certified Building & Renovation Program( 建造及装饰) 2, General Marine Operations & Maintenance( 船舶管理) ...

control of ship

航海及海运专业英语词汇(C8) ... control of re-searching azimuth 再搜索方向控制 control of ship 船舶管理 ...

management of the ship

航海及海运专业... ... Management of Seamen Training 船员培训管理 management of the ship 船舶管理 management office 管 …

General Marine Operations & Maintenance

留学服务 ... 2, General Marine Operations & Maintenance船舶管理) 4, Information Technology Professional( 视窗技 …

Ship's Officer

出国留学-澳大利亚紧缺人才列表 ... Ship's Master 船长 Ship's Officer 船舶管理 Architect 建筑师 ...

administration of ship

航海及海运... ... administration of ship survey 验船部门 administration of ship 船舶管理 administration program 管理计划 ...
