
  • 网络to discuss; have a discussion; to have a discussion



to discuss

进行的英文翻译,进行用英语怎么说 -... ... 进行讨论 to discuss sth 进行详细的调查 to carry out a detailed investigation ...

have a discussion

初一英语重点词组 - 豆丁网 ... sit in groups 按小组坐 have a discussion 进行讨论 go on a school picnic 进行全校的野餐 ...

to have a discussion

作文:英语作文各类通知 ... 期望 be expected to 进行讨论 to have a discussion 朗诵 recitation ...

Your suggestions are being followed up by.

have a discussion on

高考英语词汇手册之词组 - 豆丁网 ... 对…进行讨论 have a discussion on = discuss on 52. 执行(计划,命令];贯彻 carry out 32…

be in the works

听力习语-任鹏习语翻译... ... 56 around the clock 日以继夜;整日整夜 57 be in the works 进行讨论 59 dismantle 拆除 ...

Carry on the discussion

进行性病变,Degenerative... ... ) repeatedly perform 重复进行 ) Carry on the discussion 进行讨论 ) alternation 交替进行 ...

hold discussions

新人教版必修5... ... 38. somebody else’s point of view 别人的观点 39. hold discussions 进行讨论 40. make choices 做出选择 ...
