. Catch

美 [kætʃ]英 [kætʃ]
  • v.抓住;捕捉;捕获;接住
  • n.接(球等);总捕获量;扣拴物;扣件
  • adj.有趣味的;设有圈套的
  • 网络赶上;捉住

过去式:caught 第三人称单数:catches 现在分词:catching

. Catch. Catch

. Catch

v. n.


1.[t]~ sth接住;截住;拦住to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands

2.[t]~ sth接(落下的液体)to hold a liquid when it falls

3.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)抓住;握住to take hold of sb/sth


4.[t]~ sb/sth逮住;捕捉;捕获to capture a person or an animal that tries or would try to escape

某人正做某事sb doing sth

5.[t]当场发现(或发觉)to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong


6.[t]~ sth赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等)to be in time for a bus, train, plane, etc. and get on it

及时be in time

7.[t]~ sb/sth及时做(或谈等)to be in time to do sth, talk to sb, etc.


8.[t](informal)~ sth看见;听到;出席;参加to see or hear sth; to attend sth

意外地发生happen unexpectedly

9.[t]~ sb突然遭受to happen unexpectedly and put sb in a difficult situation


10.[t]得病;染疾to get an illness

被缠住become stuck

11.[i][t](被)钩住,夹住,绊住to become stuck in or on sth; to make sth become stuck


12.[t]击中;打to hit sb/sth


13.[t]~ sth察觉;瞥见to notice sth only for a moment


14.[t]~ sth听清楚;领会to hear or understand sth

逼真地显示show accurately

16.[t]~ sth逼真再现;准确描绘to show or describe sth accurately


17.[t]~ sth(光)照射;受到(光的)照射if sthcatches the light or the lightcatches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too


19.[t][i]~ (fire)烧着;着(火)to begin to burn


catch your breath

(由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气to stop breathing for a moment because of fear, shock, etc.

catch your death (of cold)

患重感冒to catch a very bad cold

catch sbs eye

引起某人注意;惹人注目to attract sb's attention

catch it

受罚;受斥责to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth

catch sb napping

使人措手不及;乘其不备to get an advantage over sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb on the hop

使某人措手不及to surprise sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb red-handed

当场抓住;现场捕获to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime

catch sb with their pants down

使突陷窘境;乘人措手不及;出其不意;冷不防to arrive or do sth when sb is not expecting it and not ready, especially when they are in an embarrassing situation


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... creature 生物 catch 抓住 unhappy 不快乐的 ...


字典中 拏 字的解释 ... (3) 搏斗[ fight] (5) 同“拿”。捉拿;捕捉[ catch] (7) 牵连;连结[ draw;connect] ...


字典中 得 字的解释 ... (5) 得知[ hear of;learn about] (6) 捕获[ catch] (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... creature 生物 catch 赶上;捕获 unhappy 不快乐的 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bird n. 鸟 catch v. 捉住;接住;赶上;染上(疾病) worm n. 软体虫,蠕虫( …


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... catalog n. 目录,目录册 catch vt. 捉住;赶上;领会 cathedral n. 总教堂;大教堂 ...
