
美 [tʃɪpt]英 [tʃɪpt]
  • n.碎片;缺损处;油炸土豆条;炸薯条
  • v.打破;弄缺;被损坏;凿下(碎片、屑片)
  • 网络碎裂;有缺口的;碎裂的



n. v.

1.(木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处the place from which a small piece of wood, glass, etc. has broken from an object

2.(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑,碎片,碎渣a small piece of wood, glass, etc. that has broken or been broken off an object

3.[usupl]油炸土豆条;炸薯条a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat

4.油炸土豆片;炸薯片a thin round slice of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

5.(作赌注用的)筹码a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambling


a chip off the old block

(相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behave

have a chip on your shoulder (about sth)

(因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairly

have had your chips

注定要失败(或完蛋)to be in a situation in which you are certain to be defeated or killed

when the chips are down

在危急关头;在关键时刻used to refer to a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide what is important to you


三颗碎裂Chipped)宝石 + 一把剑 → 魔法、可镶嵌的长剑 一面魔法小型盾牌(Small Shield) + 一根狼牙棒(Spiked Club) …


缺口-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 使成缺口 to jag 有缺口的 chipped 缺口冲击强度 notch impact strength ...


暗黑破坏神3中宝石资料介绍_飞翔单机游戏网 ... 白宝石 Diamond 等级 1 - 碎裂的 Chipped 等级 2 - 残缺的 Flawed ...


海况表示_四分之一船长_新浪博客 ... scratched 划损 chipped 切损 staves off 桶板脱落 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(C4) ... chiplog 手操计程仪 chipped 受切损 chipper 凿凿者 ...


立体妖术记忆法 全文阅读中国记忆力训练网 ... 上,而垫子生气了 nettled 或有缺口的 chipped 或烘烤 roasted ...
