Low -
- adv.低;低矮;在低处;往下地
- n.低地;(汽车等的)低速;低速齿轮;哞
- adj.低沉的;低垂的;西斜的;耷拉着
- v.(牛)哞哞地叫;(牛叫似地)说
- 网络低的;矮的;最低价
比较级:lower 最高级:lowest 复数:lows 现在分词:lowing 过去分词:lowed

Low -
低;矮not high/tall
1.低的;矮的;离地面近的not high or tall; not far above the ground
接近底部near bottom
2.在底部的;近底部的at or near the bottom of sth
3.领口开得低的not high at the neck
4.低于通常(或平均)数量(或水平、价值)的below the usual or average amount, level or value
5.(数量)减少的,缩减的;(某物)不足的having a reduced amount or not enough of sth
6.低声的;小声的;轻声的not high; not loud
7.低于通常(或预期)标准的below the usual or expected standard
8.低下的;次要的;低等的below other people or things in importance or status
9.[ubn]不好的;差的not very good
10.虚弱的;沮丧的;消沉的;无精打采的weak or depressed; with very little energy
不诚实not honest
11.不诚实的;不正直的not honest
12.暗淡的;微弱的not bright
at a low ebb
处于低潮;状况不佳in a poor state; worse than usual
be brought low
失去财富;丧失社会地位to lose your wealth or your high position in society
lay sb low
(伤或病)使感到衰弱if sb islaid low by/with an injury or illness, they feel very weak and are unable to do much
the lowest of the low
卑鄙小人;道德败坏的人;无足轻重的人people who are not respected at all because they are dishonest, immoral or not at all important