
美 [rʌb]英 [rʌb]
  • n.擦;揉;抹;搓
  • v.擦;磨;抹;搓
  • 网络无摩擦音

第三人称单数:rubs 现在分词:rubbing 过去式:rubbed



v. n.

1.[t][i]擦;磨;搓to move your hand, or sth such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly

2.[t][i](使)相互磨擦;搓to press two surfaces against each other and move them backwards and forwards; to be pressed together and move in this way

3.[i][t]磨,摩擦(尤指引起疼痛或损害)to move backwards and forwards many times against sth while pressing it, especially causing pain or damage

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.涂;抹;搽to spread a liquid or other substance over a surface while pressing firmly


rub sbs nose in it

揭疮疤;不断恶意提起某人以往的过失to keep reminding sb in an unkind way of their past mistakes

rub salt into the wound|rub salt into sbs wounds

在伤口上抹盐;使雪上加霜to make a difficult experience even more difficult for sb

rub shoulders with sb

与某名人接触(或交往)to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job

rub sb up the wrong way

(无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人to make sb annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying sth that offends them


The Light: 英文病历书写及范例 体格检查 I ... 心律齐 a regular rhythm 无杂音,无摩擦音,无奔马律 no murmurs,rubs,or gallop…
