- pron.那里
- adv.在那里;表示存在或发生;到那里;往那里
- int.好啦
- 网络那儿;在那儿;那边

1.(表示存在或发生)used to show that sth exists or happens
2.在那里;到那里;往那里in, at or to that place or position
3.存在的;现有的;可得到的existing or available
4.(故事、辩论等)在那一点上at that point (in a story, an argument, etc.)
5.(用以引起注意)used to attract sb's attention
6.(用以引起对某人、事物或事实的注意)used to attract sb's attention to a particular person, thing or fact
7.~ to do sth(表示人或事物在某一情况中的作用)used to show the role of a person or thing in a situation
been there, done that
(表示已去过某地或做过某事而不再感兴趣)没意思,没劲,乏味used to show that you think a place or an activity is not very interesting or impressive because you have already experienced it
be there for sb
随叫随到;不离…左右to be available if sb wants to talk to you or if they need help
by there
在那里;到那里;往那里there; to there
have been there before
全都知道;亲身经历过to know all about a situation because you have experienced it
not all there
傻乎乎;呆头呆脑not very intelligent, especially because of mental illness
so there!
就是这样;我主意已定;没什么可商量的used to show that you are determined not to change your attitude or opinion
there it is
情况就是这样that is the situation
theres a good boy, girl, dog, etc.
(用以夸奖或勉励幼儿、动物)乖,乖孩子used to praise or encourage small children or animals
theres lovely, nice, etc.
(表示有某种特性)真可爱,太好了used to say that sth has a particular quality
theres sth for you
这才叫;这才称得上used to say that sth is a very good example of sth
there or thereabouts
(表示即使不完美也很好)差不多used to say that sth is very good, even if it is not perfect
there, there!
(劝说小孩不要啼哭或沮丧)好了,好了used to persuade a small child to stop crying or being upset
there you are
给你;这就是你要的;拿去吧used when giving sb a thing they want or have asked for
there you go again
(批评对方的一贯作风)你又来这一套了used to criticize sb when they behave in a way that is typical of them