- n.价值;意义;价值(十元、40 英镑等)的东西
- adj.有…价值;值…钱;(指行动)值得;值得(费周折)
- v.〈古〉同“befall. Woe worth the day”
- 网络值得的;有……的价值;值…的

1.~ sth有…价值;值…钱having a value in money, etc.
2.~ sth(指行动)值得,有价值used to recommend the action mentioned because you think it may be useful, enjoyable, etc.
3.~ sth/doing sth值得(费周折)important, good or enjoyable enough to make sb feel satisfied, especially when difficulty or effort is involved
4.~ sth拥有…价值的财产having money and possessions of a particular value
for all sb/it is worth
竭尽全力;拼命;十分坚定with great energy, effort and determination
for what its worth
(所说的只是个人意见)无论管不管用,不论好坏used to emphasize that what you are saying is only your own opinion or suggestion and may not be very helpful
(the game is) not worth the candle
得不偿失;代价太高the advantages to be gained from doing sth are not great enough, considering the effort or cost involved
not worth the paper its written/printed on
(尤指在法律上)毫无价值having no value, especially legally, or because one of the people involved has no intention of doing what they said they would
worth your/its salt
称职;胜任deserving respect, especially because you do your job well
worth your/its weight in gold
非常有用;很有价值very useful or valuable
worth sbs while
对…有好处(或用处);值得interesting or useful for sb to do