- n.空间;太空;空格;空白
- v.以一定间隔排列
- 网络个人空间;空格键;空白键
复数:spaces 现在分词:spacing 过去式:spaced

空间empty area
1.[u](可利用的)空地,空间an amount of an area or of a place that is empty or that is available for use
2.[c]空;空隙;空子;空当an area or a place that is empty
3.[u]宽敞;空旷;开阔the quality of being large and empty, allowing you to move freely
4.[c][u](无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地a large area of land that has no buildings on it
地球大气以外outside earth's atmosphere
5.[u]外层空间;太空the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are
一段时间period of time
6.[c][ususing]一段时间;期间a period of time
书写;印刷in writing/printing
7.[u][c]空白;空行;空格the part of a line, page or document that is empty
8.[u]自我支配的自由;属于自己的空间the freedom and the time to think or do what you want to
空间where things exist/move
9.[u]空间the whole area in which all things exist and move
look/stare/gaze into space
若有所思地望着前方;出神地凝视前方to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are thinking about sth