- 网络Wanshou Temple; manjuji; Longivity Temple

Wanshou Temple
常用地点的英文(景点)_百度知道 ... 颐和园 Summer Palace 万寿寺 Wanshou Temple 避暑山庄 a summer retreat mountain r…
Longivity Temple
Picasa Web Albums - 小袋鼠 ... 智化寺 Zhi Hua Temple 万寿寺 Longivity Temple 央视幸运52 CCTV Lucky 52 ...
the Temple of Longevity
Wanshou Temple 万寿寺 (the Temple of Longevity) was built in 1577 under the reign of Wanli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1…
Wan Shou Monastery
南山万寿寺 (Wan Shou Monastery) 短片(Video)英德 (Yingde) 茶趣园 (Tea Garden) 海螺国际大酒店 (Conch Internationa...