
  • na.stale; losing freshness
  • 网络not fresh; staleness; The bread was stale




还是我的题,帮忙看看!!_爱问知识人 ... B. undid 解开 A. stale 不新鲜 B. advertised 刊登广告 ...

not fresh

英语餐具/调料及辅料单词... ... The salad is too oily! 这沙拉太油腻! not fresh 不新鲜 This ice cream is soft! 冰淇淋太软了 ...


畜牧疾病学名词比对 - gge.com.tw ... stale taste 陈腐味;霉味 staleness 陈腐;不新鲜;走味 staling 老化 ...

The bread was stale

趣味英语 - 浮萍的日志 -... ... So I got some bread.( 同上) The bread was stale不新鲜); So I bought a pail( 桶).(同 …

a dime a dozen

Y巴西木Y_新浪博客 ... be paid off 得到报偿 a dime a dozen 很多的,不新鲜 stand up for s.b 支持某人,为某人辩护 ...

no longer fresh

牛津大学英语词典 ... He was a bit off with me this morning. 他今天早晨对我有些冷淡. 3 no longer fresh (指食物)不新鲜: ...

Of food no longer good to eat or drink

英文翻中文  关於off的用法 ... ... Not up to standard. 不佳的;未达标准的。 Of food no longer good to eat or drink. 不新鲜。 ...
