
  • 网络HUG; be wreathed in each other's arms; To join in an embrace




我要我们在一起 - 博客大巴 ... 拥抱, 互相拥抱 to clasp in the arms:HUG; 发表, 发行 to issue with authority ...

be wreathed in each other's arms

wreathe ... be wreathed in each other's arms 互相拥抱 a face wreathed in smiles 满是笑容的脸 ...

To join in an embrace

embra... ... 10. Eager acceptance: 热忱:热切的接受: 7. To join in an embrace. 互相拥抱 2. To surround;enclose: 包围;包 …

hugs oneself

Sad time, remembered, squats down, hugs... ... squats down 蹲下 hugs oneself 互相拥抱 Sad time 难过的时刻 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... spade n. 铲, 铁锹v.铲 embracing vt. 拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉 nuns n. 修女, 尼姑 ...

to embrace

互相-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 互相拥抱 embracing 互相拥抱 to embrace 互相连接的 coadjacent ...

Two Embraces

最佳故事片摄制者新人奖 (Best New Narrative Filmmaker) 《互相拥抱》(Two Embraces)最佳男演员 (Best Actor in a Na…

We all embraced and apologized for letting so much time slip between us.
