
  • na.personally take a hand in the work
  • 网络Hands-on; do the job oneself; To Get your Hands Dirty




BBC_沪江 ... As good as gold (表现)很乖 Hands-on 亲自动手 To go down like a lead balloon 不受欢迎或起反效果 ...

do the job oneself

什么意思_英语do_oneself在线翻译_有道词典... ... do oneself up 打扮 do the job oneself 亲自动手 do oneself well 养尊处优 ...

personally take a hand in the work

... 亲自过问 take up a matter personally 亲自动手 personally take a hand in the work 亲自出马 take up the matter oneself ...

To Get your Hands Dirty

... The Tale of Two Dragons" 双龙记" To Get your Hands Dirty 亲自动手 Don't Get Me Wrong 别曲解我的意思 ...

Hands On Training

...: 工作中进行(On Job Training) 亲自动手Hands On Training) 公司内部培训 公司外部培训 4.1.2客户管理 执行管理 …

to do the job oneself

自责 English, 翻译,... ... 切责 to blame;to reprimand 亲自动手 to do the job oneself 亲自挂帅 to take command personally ...

Doing the work yourself

问题解决 ... 第三重障碍:亲自动手Doing the work yourself) 第四重障碍:奖励低效的组织( Rewarding ineffective organizi…

to begin something oneself

亲自的... ... 亲自完成 to finish something oneself 亲自动手 to begin something oneself 亲自上阵 to do something in person ...
