
  • na.Men of talent come out in succession.
  • 网络people of talent coming forth in large numbers; a galaxy of talents; everygenerationproducesitsmanofability



Men of talent come out in succession.

中国古代名言中... ... 23.学以致用 Study for the purpose of application. 24.人才辈出 Men of talent come out in succession. ...

people of talent coming forth in large numbers

新人辈出,more... ... ) people of talent coming forth in large numbers 人才辈出 ) Towering above one's fellows 高出侪辈 ...

a galaxy of talents

吐血推荐:我自... ... 全面计划 comprehensive scheme 人才辈出 a galaxy of talents 德高望重 of noble characters and prestige ...


人字的解释... ... 人才〖 talent〗 人才辈出everygenerationproducesitsmanofability〗 人才济济〖 largegatheringofmenoftalent…

comprehensive scheme

英语笔记 ... life expectancy 全面计划 comprehensive scheme 人才辈出 a galaxy of talents 德高望重 ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... rcep 付印 rcfc 人才辈出 rcfn 付方 ...

bringing minds up generation after generation

Part One 英语... ... 3.attract the best minds 精英荟萃 4.bringing minds up generation after generation 人才辈出 ...
