
  • 网络all-round development of human being; People All-round Development; all-round human development



all-round development of human being

能全面覆盖是... ... 17. A good all-around education. 优良全面的教育 18. all-round development of human being 人的全面发展 ...

People All-round Development

all-round human development

“社会问题”词汇2 - rock0128@yeah的日志 -... ... 人口质量 population quality 人的全面发展 all-round human development ...

Human's full scale development

什么意思_英语human_scale在线翻译_有道词典... ... the human scale 人的尺度 Human's full scale development 人的全面发展 ...

the complete development of human beings

Free and allsided development of... ... 完善: Being-perfected 人的全面发展the complete development of human beings ...

all-round development of human kind

Free and allsided... ... 人的全面发展all-round development of human kind 人的发展理论: The theory of human developmen…
