
  • na.take effect for cause
  • 网络Wrong Direction; reverse cause and effect; to reverse effect and cause



Wrong Direction

倒果为因Wrong Direction) 错谬:颠倒事件的因果关系。 o 例子:癌症导致吸烟 o 解释:吸烟才是癌症的原因。

reverse cause and effect

to reverse effect and cause

英语单... ... [pour;reverse flow] 倒灌 [to reverse effect and cause;to take effect for cause] 倒果为因 [trichiasis] 倒睫 ...

to take effect for cause

英语单... ... [pour;reverse flow] 倒灌 [to reverse effect and cause;to take effect for cause] 倒果为因 [trichiasis] 倒睫 ...

set the cart before the horse

远东高中.高职英文网站-教学区/教学... ... beat a dead horse 白费力气。 put/set the cart before the horse 本末倒置;倒果为

to reverse cause and effect

Reverse Chinese, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... to reverse a verdict 翻案 to reverse cause and effect 倒果为因; 倒果为因 ...

The Effect Become the Cause

朱学勤的立论、结构与书名... ... 第六章 倒果为因 The Effect Become the Cause 第七章 对道德的认可 Identification with Virtue ...
