- na.do one's own job well
- 网络Completes the official duty work; do a good job at their specific tasks; Perform the basics

Completes the official duty work
什么意... ... duty work schedule 值班时间表 Completes the official duty work 做好本职工作 civic duty to work 公民劳动义务 ...
do a good job at their specific tasks
... 做好本职工作 do a good job at their specific tasks 做好组织处理工作 take disciplinary measures in an appropriate way ...
Perform the basics
9月22日Tom's... ... Proactive 积极主动的 Perform the basics 做好本职工作 Common objectives 共同目标 ...
...或引用十八大学习心得:以学习十八大精神为动力,努力做好本职工作(fwjia.com)的文章涉及版权问题请速与我们联系,由将 …