
  • na.exempt from customs examination
  • 网络DTS Dock To Stock; exempt from examination,free of examination; ship-to-stock



exempt from customs examination

... exempt from customs duty 免关税 exempt from customs examination 免给,免验 exemption from customs duty [法]免征关税 ...

DTS Dock To Stock

质量体... ... DRP Distribution Resource Planning 运销资源计划 DTS Dock To Stock 免验 DCC Document Control Centre 文管 …

exempt from examination,free of examination

???? ... 66 徵课类 免验 exempt from examination,free of examination 67 徵课类 出口报单 export declaration ...


电子翻译常用专业术语 ... ... 不良预防 defect prevention 免验 ship-to-stock 重复性和再现性: repeatability&reproducibility ...

bebas periksa

海关签证词汇-... ... surat tanda penahanan pabean 海关扣留凭单 bebas periksa 免验 barang larangan 违禁品 ...

exemption from inspection

多音字exemption的汉英词典搜索结果... ... 抚养费免税(抚养费免税) dependency exemption 免验(免验) exemption from inspecti
