
  • na.not to recognize one's own closest relatives
  • 网络repudiate all of one's relatives; turn one's back on one's own flesh and blood; not to recognize one's closest relatives



repudiate all of one's relatives

法律词... ... 六法全书 Complete Book of Six Codes 六亲不认 repudiate all of one's relatives 垄断行业 monopolized industry ...

turn one's back on one's own flesh and blood

中国习语翻译四划 ... 文不对题( beside the point ) 六亲不认( turn one's back on one's own flesh and blood ) ...

not to recognize one's closest relatives

... 五体投地 prostrate oneself befor somebody 六亲不认 not to recognize one's closest relatives 六神无主 quite bewilder ...

deny all the six relatives

to disown all one's relatives and friends

常见的英文词... ... to cut it clean 一刀两断 to disown all one's relatives and friends 六亲不认 equally firmly 毫不示弱地 ...

cut loose from old ties

什么... ... States cut preschool from budgets 冲击贫童 cut loose from old ties 六亲不认 be cut off from 跟外界不发生接触 ...


帐号ID 角色名 jjdf jyuytg jjdf3 jyuytg1... ... nieqing 飞扬跋扈←嚣b nieqing 六亲不认←战 niyao 靠吃软饭活 ...
