
  • n.minute hand
  • 网络the minute hand; minutes; hour, minute



minute hand

钟表的英语_百度知道 ... hour hand 时针 minute hand 分针 second hand 秒针 ...

the minute hand

新概念第二册短语词组汇总 - 豆丁网 ... a large crowd of 一大群 3. the minute hand 分针 the hour hand 时针 ...


超3A手表... ... 大小( Size:) 小时,分针,秒针,日期( Hours, minutes, sub-seconds,date) 水晶镜面( Mineral crystal ) ...

hour, minute

小时,分针hour, minute)表壳(Case): 钛金表壳 ( solid titanium case with rubber caseback ) 镜面(Crystal): 蓝宝石 …

Point secPoint

C#中怎么制作... ... //表中心点 Point centerPoint = new Point //计算出秒针,分针,时针的另外端点 Point secPoint = new Point ...

minute counter hand

来两句对“手”的描写。_百度知道 ... miller hand 铣工 minute counter hand 分计数针; 分针 month hand 月历针 ...

minute display

1:1台湾巴宝... ... 日本石英机芯( Japanese quartz movement) 小时,分针( hour, minute display) 钢表壳( stainless stee…
