- 网络Motion Sensing; sensation and perception action; ensation and Poreeption ofaction

Motion Sensing
...S1013感测器,仅需0.5毫安培即可驱动,并达到动作感知(Motion Sensing)功效。
sensation and perception action
心理学专业词汇英语翻译... ... sensation 感觉 sensation and perception action 动作感知 动作感知 sensation level 感应水平 ...
ensation and Poreeption ofaction
...nd perception of action 动作感知(。ensation and Poreeption ofaction)在体育运动活动中人脑对体育动作或运动情境的直接反 …
sensation and perception of action
动作感知(sensation and perception of action)人脑对运动动作表现出的各种特点或运动情境的直接反映。如看排球扣球动作 …