
  • n.linear uniform motion
  • 网络uniform rectilinear motion; uniform motion in a straight line; uniform rectilinear translation



uniform rectilinear motion

匀速运动即匀速直线运动(uniform rectilinear motion),是指物体的速度为一定值。此时物体在一直线上运动,且在任意相等的时 …

uniform motion in a straight line

在物理常用的英文单词_百度知道 ... static 静止的 uniform motion in a straight line 匀速直线运动 uniform motion 匀速运动 ...

uniform rectilinear translation

... transverse translation 横向平移 uniform rectilinear translation 匀速直线[平直]运动 verbal translation 逐句翻译, 口译 ...

uniform linear motion

高速直线运动,high speed linear... ... ) uniform linear motion 匀速直线运动 ) constant velocity moving 等速直线运动 ...

motion with constant velosity

北京新东方... ... torque 力矩 motion with constant velosity 匀速直线运动 motion with constant acceleration 匀变速直线运动 ...

move at a uniform speed in a straight line

高二英语... ... 15. 静止 at rest 16. 匀速直线运动 move at a uniform speed in a straight line 17. 滚轴溜冰鞋 roller skates ...
