
  • na.go south by driving the chariot north -- act in a way that defeats one's purpose
  • 网络at cross purposes; Poles Apart; be poles apart



at cross purposes

... asset valuation 资产估价 at cross purposes 南辕北辙 at length 长久地,详尽地 ...

Poles Apart

流行英语 @ starken :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... plug 宣传 poles apart 南辕北辙 polarize 两极化 ...

be poles apart

新概念二 45_sasha... ... Commercials 商业广告 be poles apart 截然相反,南辕北辙 agree with sb 赞同某人的话语,意 …

try to go south by driving the chariot north

... the South Seas 南洋 try to go south by driving the chariot north 南辕北辙 adj. 向南走的, 往南驶的 ...

Going South by Driving the Chariot North

独特词~课程名... ... 发网: HAIRNET 南辕北辙 Going South by Driving the Chariot North 狐假虎威 Basking in Reflected Glory ...

In the Opposite Direction

... 216 惊弓之鸟 A Frightened Bird 220 南辕北辙 In the Opposite Direction 226 求千里马 An Expensive Head ...

have nothing in common

... be `poles apart be widely separated;have nothing in common 截然相反; 南辕北辙: a `fire-insurance policy 火灾保险单 * ...
