
  • na.discard [eliminate] the false and retain the true
  • 网络winnow truth from falsehood; eliminate the false and retain the true; get rid of the fake and retain the genuine



winnow truth from falsehood

winnow的翻... ... winnow the chaffaway 筛掉谷壳 winnow truth from falsehood 去伪存真, 辨别真假 An act of winnowing. 语源 ...

eliminate the false and retain the true

false... ... give a false impression 给人以假象 eliminate the false and retain the true 去伪存真 make a false attack 佯攻 ...

get rid of the fake and retain the genuine

... 屈体 pike 去伪存真 get rid of the fake and retain the genuine 区位商业 location-based commerce ...

Sift the true from the false

sift - 在线词典_Online Dictionary... ... Sift the true from the false. 去伪存真. The flour sifted through. 面粉被筛下来。 ...

Peeling Away Artifice for the Pure Original

... 一座好谷仓 It Was a Good Barn 去伪存真 Peeling Away Artifice for the Pure Original 伟大与渺小 Random Thoughts ...

removing the false while preserving the true

高级口译课堂笔记_大力牛... ... 去伪存真 removing the false while preserving the true 自主自愿 initiative and free will ...

eliminating the false and retaining the true

1117词汇 ... ... 入口,咀嚼和消化的过程 take a bite,chew and digest 去伪存真 eliminating the false and retaining the true ...

At the time, the used datum are differentiated and analysed carefully, try to eliminate the false and retain the true.
