
  • 网络Giving opinions; voice; to come out with views



Giving opinions

...truth? Why / Why not? 2. 发表看法 (Giving opinions) I don‘t believe .... because .... That can‘t be true. It is (not) a ...


GRE作文基本表达法总结 - 小马过河 ... 发表看法 voice/express one’s opinion 持相反/合理的观点 take the opposite/fresh view ...

to come out with views

看法的英文翻译,看法用英语... ... 各有看法 to have different views 发表看法 to come out with views 看法一致 the same view ...

air one's opinions

opinion的用法 ... air one's opinions 公开发表意见;发表看法 forfeit the good opinion of 失去…的好评 ...

voice one's opinions

Word guide-高二英语阅读-21英语网... ... 1. express one's patriotism 表达爱国(热情) 2. voice one's opinions 发表看法 ...


发表看法 (cancel) F S S M T W T 名单的名单= 当然,你也可以 …

Expressing One's Opinion

'å��è&iexc... ... The chairman asked me to air my views. 主席请我发表看法. Expressing One's Opinion 发表看
