
  • na.get in touch with
  • 网络Contact; establish contact with; keep in touch with



get in touch with

英语作文.如何看待网恋_百度知道 ... chat 聊天 get in touch with 取得联系... net-bars 网吧 ...


音频设备11_电话交换机_维实嘉业|维实网络 ... 动态 Dynamic 取得联系 Contact 新闻 News ...

establish contact with

百度词典搜索_联系 ... keep in contact with; 保持联系 get in touch with;establish contact with; 取得联系 ...

keep in touch with

高中英语常用动词短语集锦 -... ... keep ... in mind 放在心上 keep in touch with 取得联系 keep in with sb. 与某人友好相处 ...

to get into touchwith.

外事接待常用... ... 取得联系 to get into touchwith.../to establishcontact with 一路平安 Bon voyage./Have a safe trip home ...

make contact with

口语突破对话 第一部分 核心对话... ... A:Sorry! 对不起! make contact with 取得联系 lose contact with 失去联系 ...
