
  • na.cannot see the wood for the trees
  • 网络can't see the wood for the trees; unable to see the wood for the trees; You cannot see the wood for trees



cannot see the wood for the trees

常用英语单... ... can of worms 一团糟 cannot see the wood for the trees 只见树木不见森林 carry the can 面对责备,负起责任 ...

can't see the wood for the trees

... cannot say bo to a goose 胆小如鼠 can't see the wood for the trees 只见树木不见森林 a card up one's sleeve 王牌,绝招 ...

unable to see the wood for the trees

... 只读终端 read-only terminal 只见树木不见森林 ;unable to see the wood for the trees 只进游标 forward-only cursor ...

You cannot see the wood for trees

英文谚... ... You cannot see the wood for trees.( 只见树木,不见森林。) You cannot judge a tree by its bark.( 人不可貌相 …

to fail to see whole for the part

第一章 ... ... to fail to see whole for the part 只见树木,不见森林 All within the Four Seas are brothers. 四海之内皆兄弟 ...

Can't see the forest for its trees

... Can't hack it 不能胜任 Can't see the forest for its trees 只见树木不见森林 Card up your sleeve 秘而不宣的计划(意图) ...


只_互动百科 ... 只管〖 merely〗 只见树木,不见森林。〖 failtoseethewoodforthetrees〗 只能〖 only〗 ...

He can't see the forest for the trees

... 只见树木,不见森林He can't see the forest for the trees. 只见树木,不见森林。 You cannot see the wood for trees. ...
