- na.Nothing is more lamentable than a dead heart.
- 网络There is nothing worse than apathy; The most tragic blow for one is the death of his mind; The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man white he lives

There is nothing worse than apathy
充满智慧的英文谚语6 ... There is nothing worse than apathy. 哀莫大于心死. There is safety in numbers. 人多势众. ...
Nothing is more lamentable than a dead heart.
despair的相... ... 绝望(绝望) feel desperate 哀莫大于心死(哀莫大於心死) 2. Nothing is more lamentable than a dead heart. ...
The most tragic blow for one is the death of his mind
The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man white he lives
nothing sadder than a withered heart
涂油于... ... 醉心于 to be infatuated with 哀莫大于心死 nothing sadder than a withered heart 安于 to feel contented with ...
There is no vulture like despair.
求30句中国谚语的英文翻译... ... 哀莫大于心死 There is no vulture like despair. 光阴似箭 Time speeds by like an arrow. ...
哀莫大于心死 来自: 哀莫大于心死(UNDERGROUND) 2009-... 次纪元 2009-12-19 19:21:40 里面有好些个贫乳而已的 伪娘不多 …
哀莫大于心死(qiangjianmm)2011-05-10 00:04回复 难道你也没接过~????