
  • 网络Foreign Funded; Foreign Funded Enterprises; Foreign Investment



Foreign Funded

... 股份制经济 Share Holding 外商投资经济 Foreign Funded 其他经济 Others ...

Foreign Funded Enterprises

... 股份有限 Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 外商投资经济 Foreign Funded Enterprises 合作经营 Cooperation Enterprises ...

Foreign Investment

... 港澳台商投资经济 Funds from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan 外商投资经济 Foreign Investment 其他经济 Others ...

Foreign Funded Economic

... 6.股份制经济 Share Holding Ecnonmic 7.外商投资经济 Foreign Funded Economic ...

Foreign Funded Economic Units

... 股份制经济 Share Holding Economic Units 外商投资经济 Foreign Funded Economic Units ...

Economy with Foreign Investment

广东统计年鉴2012 ... 股份制经济 Share-holding Economy 外商投资经济 Economy with Foreign Investment ...

Foreign Funded Units

Enterprises with funds from foreign

... 外商投资经济 Enterprises with funds from foreign 按国民经济行业分组 By Sector ...
