
  • na.Sons and grandsons pervaded the hall.
  • 网络grand-generativity; And you're gonna watch them grow; The descendant full hall




埃里克森的自我发展理论 ... 自我整合 ego integrity 子孙满堂 grand-generativity 同一性 identity ...

And you're gonna watch them grow

Titanic 泰坦尼克号 看电影学英语 ... ... -Jack:Don't you do that. 别……别这样。 And you're gonna watch them grow. 子孙满堂

The descendant full hall

成语及年... ... 1.金鸡独立 Standing on one foot 3.子孙满堂 The descendant full hall 5.金银财宝 Gold and silver valuables ...

May you have many healthy children.

Marie Antoinette ... May you have many healthy children...|子孙满堂... Good luck.|祝你们好运 ...

and had a big family.

CCTV.com-中文国际 ... 还当了宰相 Finally,he became the 子孙满堂 and had a big family. ...

Welcome Spring and Fortune

上海爱乐民乐团,锣鼓喧... ... 14 - 鲜花盛开 春城锦绣 Flowers Everywhere 15 - 迎春接福 子孙满堂 Welcome Spring and Fortun


其实他的意思是 白头偕老(live long) + 子孙满堂(prosper) , 会ㄠ得很硬吗? XD听完演讲很想把书找出来再看一遍 听起来就 …
