
  • 网络existential sentence; existential sentences; existential construction



existential sentence

See Also ... 感叹句 exclamative sentence 存现句 existential sentence 疑问句 interrogative sentence ...

existential sentences

ETSexistential sentences_翻译 ... 否定句: negative sentences 存现句existential sentences 因果句: casual sentences ...

existential construction

这种结构都是存现句(existential construction),关系子句的主语“there”并不是一个 完整的主语(a full subject);关系子句的谓语 …

locative inversion construction

  中文摘要: 本论文主要讨论汉语存现句(locative inversion construction)中体标记词“了”和“着”的选择。旨在找出汉语存现句中影响…

The existential sentence

《实用汉语课本》- 京东图书... ... 五、语法 Grammar 2.存现句 The existential sentence 二、注释 Notes ...

The Sentence showing existence

汉语初级教程/邓懿... ... 存现句 The Sentence showing existence,emergence or disappearance 语言点 Language Points ...

presentative clause

什么意思... ... airport presentative 机场代表 presentative clause 存现句 presentative sentence 引介句 ; 评介句 ...
