
  • 网络The Classic of Filial Piety; The Book of Filial Piety; Hsiao-ching



The Classic of Filial Piety

The Thirteen Classics -... ... (尔雅) Luxuriant and Refined Words (孝经) The Classic of Filial Piety (孟子) The Mencius ...

The Book of Filial Piety

  《孝经》(The Book of Filial Piety),伦敦:约翰·穆莱(John Murray)出版社,1908年,1920   年;纽约:杜冬出版公司(E. P. Dutton & Co.)...


BENEFICENCE AS THE MORAL&nb... ... Chu Hsi 朱熹 Hsiao-ching 孝经 jen 仁 ...

Mourning Bible

古典名著英译 - 白鸟的日志 - 网易博客 ... An Ode to Goodness 善哉行 Mourning Bible 孝经 The Mountain and Sea Bible 山海 …

Filial bible

周易八卦与传统文化_黄信阳_新浪博客 ... 弟子规 Disciple rules 孝经 Filial bible 阴阳五行和八卦理论 Yin Yang and t… ...

The Book of Mencius

图书馆分类纲目表... ... 095 春秋 The Spring and Autumn Annals 096 孝经 The Book of Mencius 097 四书 The Four Books ...
