
  • 网络Exposure of the Official World; Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom; Bureaucrats Shown Up



Exposure of the Official World

古典名... ... 《警世通言》 Stories to Warn Men 《官场现形记Exposure of the Official World 《论语》 The Analects of Confu…

Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom

... 【故事中的故事】 story whthin a story 【《官场现形记》】 Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom;Bureaucrats Shown Up ...

Bureaucrats Shown Up

... 【故事中的故事】 story whthin a story 【《官场现形记》】 Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom;Bureaucrats Shown Up ...

Revealing Original State of Officialdom

古典名著英译 -... ... The Records of the Warring States 战国策 Revealing Original State of Officialdom 官场现形记 ...

The Record of Revelation of Officialdom

英汉双向分类翻... ... 古文观止 Gems from Chinese Culture 官场现形记 The Record of Revelation of Officialdom 管子 Kuan Tzu ...

Senator Was Indiscreet,The

玛娜·洛伊_互动百科 ... 单身汉与时髦女郎 Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer,The 官场现形记 Senator Was Indiscreet,The ...

Revealing True Colours of Officialdom

部分中国经典著作之合称及其英文... ... 《官场现形记Revealing True Colours of Officialdom 《老残游记》 A Vagabond’s Tra…

Amid the gunfire, I read the late Qing novel The Bureaucracy Exposed.
