
  • na.The chill entered into the very flesh of the men.
  • 网络The air had a frosty bite; A chill in the air; Le froid se fait sentir.



The air had a frosty bite

frosty是什么意思_frosty的翻译_音标_读音... ... 2. The air was frosty. 空气凛冽。 3. The air had a frosty bite. 寒气袭人。 ...

A chill in the air

与天气有关的词汇翻译-翻译公司... ... 银妆素裹 Dressed in white 寒气袭人 A chill in the air 白雪皑皑 Snow gleams white ...

Le froid se fait sentir.

FRENCH - spirited - spirited - 和讯博客 ... Il fait froid. 42.天很冷。 Le froid se fait sentir. 45.寒气袭人。 ...
