- 网络principle of corresponding state; theorem of corresponding states; principle of corresponding states
principle of corresponding state
公式里的ex... ... 对行反应 reversible reactions 对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state 多方过程 polytropic process ...
theorem of corresponding states
principle of corresponding states
... principal valence 汁子价 principle of corresponding states 对应状态原理 principle of energy dissipation 能量耗散原理 ...
principle of correspondig states
现代的研究人员仍然要读他的对应状态原理(principle of correspondig states,详下)、混合物状态方程式以及毛细理论(theor…
correlation state principle
...pressibility factor) : 4.对应状态原理(correlation state principle) : 5.天然气压缩系数 Cg (gas compressive coefficient) :...
The Corresponding State Principle
...) | 亨利定律 (Henry’s Law) | 对应状态原理 (The Corresponding State Principle)}
Corresponding State Principle 对应状态原理(Corresponding State Principle) 若以对比参数 r C T T/ T 、 r C P P / P 、 r C V V/ V 来表达VdW …