
  • n.closing of port
  • 网络embargo; close a port; closure of port




大学英语四级阅读题文章精读(23) ... 5. empower 赋予……权力 6. embargo 禁运,封港 8. partition 分割,瓜分 ...

closing of port

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C27) ... closing of contact 触点闭合 closing of port 封港 closing piece 密闭板 ...

close a port

封_互动百科 ... ◎ 封地[ vavasory;fief,feud] ◎ 封港[ close a port] ◎ 封建社会[ feudal society] ...

closure of port

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C27) ... closure head 外壳顶盖 closure of port 封港 closure 闭合差;插栓 ...

to seal off a port

Port Louis | 法汉字典 ... 回航 to return to port 封港 to seal off a port 河港 river port ...

locked harbour

航海及海运专业英语词汇(L3) ... locked harbor 受浅滩或暗礁包围的港 locked harbour 封港 locked scarf 锁紧嵌接 ...

port lockout

新闻辞汇(317) ... conflicts of interest 利益冲突 port lockout 封港 congressional resolution 国会决议案 ...

port closing

截至8月,上海港因大雾等恶劣的气候条件,累计27天封港port closing)。同期,宁波港和青岛港分别封港25天和35天。
