
  • na.treat … on an equal footing
  • 网络Equal participation; equality; social equality



Equal participation

求表现北京奥运精神的成... ... 相互尊重( Mutual respect) 平等相待Equal participation) 追求卓越( Striving for excellenc…


病患应受到尊重,在评估的过程中具有选择性(choice),专业人员与病患平等相待equality),病患参与(participation)决 …

social equality

...主不是政党轮替、也不是选票,民主的真谛是相互尊重和平等相待social equality),政党轮替和选票只是民主的一种形式。

Equal treatment

"Vengeance is Mine;I Will Repay,Says... ... Equal treatment 平等相待 Do not be disobedient 不要不顺服 ...

treat each other as equals

... 增加互信 enhance mutual confidence 平等相待 treat each other as equals 互惠互利 mutual benefits and reciprocity ...

treat equally

平等待人,treating people... ... ) equal treatment 平等对待 ) treat equally 平等相待 ) unequal treatment 不平等待遇 ...

treat one another as equals

口译汉译英练习内容整理... ... 4: 相互尊重 mutual respect 5: 平等相待 treat one another as equals ...

treat each other equally

翻译词... ... equally spaced reference 等间距基准点 treat each other equally 平等相待 equally tilted photography 等倾摄影 ...
