
  • na.may there be surplus year after year
  • 网络May you always get more than you wish for; may there be surpluses every year; surplus every year



May you always get more than you wish for

2014年新年贺词中英文版 ... 恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you 年年有余may you always get more than you wish for ...

may there be surpluses every year

和春节有关的... ... 送灶神: send Kitchen God 年年有余may there be surpluses every year 舞龙舞狮: Dragon and lion dan…

surplus every year

我们会说吃鱼代表年年有余surplus every year),水饺(dumplings)代表元宝,发菜(black moss)象徵发财(wealth), …


摄影大赛 ... 人心齐,泰山移。 powe 年年有余 Fish 你是我朋友 You are ...

five-flavored fish

中文菜名的英文翻译 -... ... double-cooked shark‘s fin 回锅鱼翅 five-flavored fish 年年有鱼 | 年年有余 braised pork 扣肉 ...

Surplus Year after Year

手抄报资料 -... ... 恭喜发财 |Wishing You Prosperity 年年有余 |Surplus Year after Year 岁岁平安 |Peace All Year Round ...

may there be bounty every year

新年英文~和新年有关的英... ... (prosperous 指「富足的;繁荣的」) ‧may there be bounty every year 年年有余 countdown …

Prosperity Through the Years

秀丰国... ... 花开富贵( Spring Blossoms) 年年有余( Prosperity through the years) 招财进宝( Bring in wealth and treasure) ...
